Thursday, May 14, 2015

Foot Prints without Feet

Young shoots grow by absorbing nutrients from the earth, In a same way the child are nurtured by her mother  and this journey begins from our day of conception. Yes, today I would like to share my views about Motherhood and Pregnancy.
We all are thankful to God and also our child/children that they gave us this opportunity and experience to be one with nature and became a part of HIS creation. Each day of pregnancy is beautiful and has come up with new challenges. The initial two trimesters are known to be happy period and they are competitively less risky. Off course, there are many physical changes, but most of the mothers are worried about their “Stretch Marks”. I also applied 2-3 creams suggested by my Gynec, but nothing worked out much. After the birth of my child it turned  more prominent and because of that I have to stop wearing low waist dresses. I was disappointed and Sad. Just like a Fairy-tale, one day I read the concept of “changing Poison into medicine” from Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism, their he mentioned about how do we transform our “ pain into pleasure “. That was the knocking moment of my life and I’ve started looking that permanent change into a positive aspect. I relate the Strach marks with the Foot prints of my baby Avighna’s feet.
As every mother misses that beautiful period, when her baby was the part of her own body and she was connected with Mother Nature directly. I advise all the mothers and To-be mothers, pl don’t feel bad about your body and Marks. They are actually the Impression of your loved ones and its your love towards Almighty. Last but not the least, I pay my heartiest gratitude to all the mothers. I would like to end my exp with the note of Lotus Sutra of Buddhism:

“Prayer and Mother is the effort to align the gears of our life with the movement of the Universe”.